Your contacts

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FAQ for exhibitors

Do you have questions about exhibiting at Hamburg Messe und Congress? Find answers here.

Business Unit Director / Director

Claus Ulrich Selbach

Business Unit Director Maritime & Technology Exhibitions

Claus-Ulrich Selbach

Christoph Lücke


SMM / Seatrade Europe / INMEX SMM India

Christoph Lücke

Team SMM

Silke Eidam

Exhibition Manager

Hallen A2, A3, A4 | Future Fuels Area

Silke Eidam

Lina Hebestriet

Exhibition Manager

Halls B5, B6, B7 | Open-air site

[Translate to EN:] Lina Hebestriet

Alina Sanchez

Exhibition Manager

Halls A1, B3.UF, B8

Picture of Alina Sanchez

Anna Marike Flügge

Exhibition Manager

Halls B2.GF/UF, B3.GF, B4.GF/UF

Simone Nakötter

Conference Manager

Maritime Future Summit | Offshore Dialogue | Start-ups@SMM | TradeWinds Shipowners Forum | Open Stages

Simone Nakötter

Nina Krüger

Conference Manager

Manager MS&D | gmec | Maritime Career Market | Open Stages

Nina Krüger

Cerstin Probst

Manager Maritime & Technology Exhibitions

Cerstin Probst


Marc Niemann

Sales Manager

[Translate to EN:] Marc Niemann

International Sales

The foreign representatives of Hamburg Messe are internationally experienced agents and competent points of contact for our guests located abroad. They represent the Hamburg Fair in more than 40 countries, and provide exhibitors with local support in all issues relevant to our trade fairs. 

HMC Foreign representatives

Exhibitor services / Technical affairs / Rental of conference rooms

Katharina Becker

Sales Manager Exhibitor Services

Katharina Becker

Tobias Roesenberger

Production Manager (Technical)

Production Management

Carola Tepper

Manager Exhibitor Services

Carola Tepper

Press work / Sponsoring / Media coo­per­ations

Nele Bruns

PR Manager

Alina Haist

Exhibition Manager


Pia Häde

Brand Manager

Media Cooperations


Claudia Stockhowe


Mailing address

Hamburg Messe und Congress GmbH
-SMM project team-
PO Box 30 24 80
20308 Hamburg

Tel.: +49 40 3569 7575